Freitag, 28. November 2008



- You can change your body in a way you like it
- The body has special attraction to produce art – because the body is like a special canvas
- You can improve yourself (ugly into beautiful)
- It’s art which you can show everybody and anytime you want
- The whole body is an art object
- Plastic surgeon is accepted, because it’s seen as a kind of art


- A real body can’t be art – because it’s not an object
- You destroy your body because art shouldn’t damage your body
- Temporary permanent – because you can delete a picture, but not a body
- Everybody is an unique, there must be a reason why you look ugly / beautiful
- Maybe you loose your personality, your identity, when you want a nose like DA Vinci’s Mona Lisa or eyes like Julia Roberts.
- Can be dangerous or harmful (e.g. with plastic surgery)


- Decision of your own – (to change one’s body)
Accept your body
- natural beauty to a body which you should accept
- It’s not a problem if you change your body in a slight way – don’t exaggerate it !
because it’s unhealthy in most cases
- You can’t turn back time to look like before
- It’s your own opinion if you want to change your body or not
- You shouldn’t be too young

Marina - Alban - Magdalena

Donnerstag, 20. November 2008

city or country

Last week we talked about two kinds of life and that’s why I want to write about these two different ways of life. First I want to tell you about the city life and then about the country life.

An advantage of the city life is the public means of transport. So I can reach every locality very quickly. Another good aspect is that there are more people than in a country and so I can get know more acquaintances and friends. I have more possibilities of shopping centres, supermarkets and fitness or sport centres. The last positive aspect of of the city life is that there are a lot of different discos, bars and a lot of free time activities. But don’t forget the negative points for example the plenty traffic and the waiting time of the traffic lights. The consequences of that are the air-and- environmental pollution.

In contrast to the city life there is still the country life. There live less people and everybody knows each other and so people have a better relationship to each other and they are more helpful. Another good spot is that they live in a calm area and that there is less traffic and the air is very pure and that’s why people gladly like being in nature. A further aspect is that nature lovers can go camping, make holidays or can make a walking tour. Although, it’s very boring for teenagers because on the country there are’nt very much possibilities to go out with friends or visiting a disco.

I’d prefer living in a big city because I’m a teenager who wants to experience all alternatives a city can offer. For example the good nightlife. You also get the chance to find a better job. So you have a better view for your future. That’s why people prefer living in a city than in a country.