Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2007



Dear, Marina
Last night my sister show me a picture with the title “ The Problem we all live with”.
She found the painting in her new book “Artists”. The painter, who painted this picture is called Norman Rockwell. I’m going to send you the picture with my letter.
In this picture you see four policemen, called Deputy us Marshalls. In the middle of the policemen you see a small black girl. . In the upper right corner, there is blood on the wall. In my opinion the artist wanted to express the racism in the world, the violence ant the anger of the people. The girl expresses courage for me because she walks between the big policemen and is not scared about it. For me, the painting is very interesting and it makes me want to find out what the artist wanted to show us with his idea. I hope you enjoy the picture.
When I saw the painting my first thought was you. You are going to write me an answer. I’m interest of your answer and your thoughts and emotions about the picture.
Yours, Magdalena

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