Freitag, 28. November 2008



- You can change your body in a way you like it
- The body has special attraction to produce art – because the body is like a special canvas
- You can improve yourself (ugly into beautiful)
- It’s art which you can show everybody and anytime you want
- The whole body is an art object
- Plastic surgeon is accepted, because it’s seen as a kind of art


- A real body can’t be art – because it’s not an object
- You destroy your body because art shouldn’t damage your body
- Temporary permanent – because you can delete a picture, but not a body
- Everybody is an unique, there must be a reason why you look ugly / beautiful
- Maybe you loose your personality, your identity, when you want a nose like DA Vinci’s Mona Lisa or eyes like Julia Roberts.
- Can be dangerous or harmful (e.g. with plastic surgery)


- Decision of your own – (to change one’s body)
Accept your body
- natural beauty to a body which you should accept
- It’s not a problem if you change your body in a slight way – don’t exaggerate it !
because it’s unhealthy in most cases
- You can’t turn back time to look like before
- It’s your own opinion if you want to change your body or not
- You shouldn’t be too young

Marina - Alban - Magdalena

Donnerstag, 20. November 2008

city or country

Last week we talked about two kinds of life and that’s why I want to write about these two different ways of life. First I want to tell you about the city life and then about the country life.

An advantage of the city life is the public means of transport. So I can reach every locality very quickly. Another good aspect is that there are more people than in a country and so I can get know more acquaintances and friends. I have more possibilities of shopping centres, supermarkets and fitness or sport centres. The last positive aspect of of the city life is that there are a lot of different discos, bars and a lot of free time activities. But don’t forget the negative points for example the plenty traffic and the waiting time of the traffic lights. The consequences of that are the air-and- environmental pollution.

In contrast to the city life there is still the country life. There live less people and everybody knows each other and so people have a better relationship to each other and they are more helpful. Another good spot is that they live in a calm area and that there is less traffic and the air is very pure and that’s why people gladly like being in nature. A further aspect is that nature lovers can go camping, make holidays or can make a walking tour. Although, it’s very boring for teenagers because on the country there are’nt very much possibilities to go out with friends or visiting a disco.

I’d prefer living in a big city because I’m a teenager who wants to experience all alternatives a city can offer. For example the good nightlife. You also get the chance to find a better job. So you have a better view for your future. That’s why people prefer living in a city than in a country.

Freitag, 24. Oktober 2008


The first thing I want to mention is that I’m a typical example for an Austrian girl, because I have blond hair and blue eyes.
My fashion describes the style of the 80’s. It is modern but it has a little bit of old school because the old fashion comes back in style. For example : the leggings, the chequered patterns, shirts, trousers and pants, and gaudy colours. I’m a real fashion – conscious girl with a cultured look. My friends call me a fashion – fanatic, because I always wear the latest fashion. I prefer brand-name clothing for example: Ed Hardy, Dolce and Gabbana, Gucci and Prada. I accept various opinions of fashion for instance: the style of punks, hippies, skaters and so on ..
Although I don’t like scruffy people because of their appearance. You make bad or good thoughts about this person. I’m not a big fan of building groups because in my opinion every person should have his own style and position in his life.

Another important part of my live is music. I prefer house, RNB and hip hop music. Sometimes when I’m feeling sad I listen to a good song and then I feel better in this moment. During the weekend I really like to go out in my favourite club which is called “Nachtschicht” because there you can listen to very good house music. I can forget all of the school and private stress and trouble, which accrued in the last week, in only four hours

The last and most important part in my life is my religion and belief in god. I think that everyone should accept other cultures and religions but I know that this can be hard sometimes.
Finally, it’s not important how you look like, because we all have one similarity and this is that we only have one life. Nevertheless, I think that everyone should enjoy life and make the best out of it.

Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2008

The Perks of being a wallflower


Recently, I read the book called “THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER” by Stephen Chbosky. He is an American novelist, screenwriter and film director and he is born in 1970. The book is one of the best coming-of-age novel.

Which consists exclusively of a series of letters from Charlie to an unknown person about him and his life. It really gives the reader a close-up look into the world through the eyes of Charlie. He is a young man who suddenly see’s himself in the middle of his life. He makes friends, goes on parties, and has problems that every other young person of his age has too.
Since he writes very emotionally, you can always recognize how he feels. Sometimes I had the feeling that I am the unknown person who read the letters of Charlie.

I really like the book because the writer is not afraid to talk about controversial topics, such as drugs, sex, homosexuality, abortion, rape and other things like that.
It is easy to read and not to long but there are still topics enough to think about seriously. I think the main message of the book is that you should be staying true to yourself. I like very much the explaining of the vocabularies.
I think Stephen Chbosky did a good job on well-developing the story and describing perfectly the characters especially Charlie, Patrick, Sam, and Charlie’s family.
In the end, I would say that it can surely be recommended to all teenagers.


Charlie is the main character of the book.
He starts out in the novel at the age of fifteen, but by the end he reaches the sweet sixteen. In the beginning he is a shy, intelligent, sensitive, soft and lonely boy who is about to start high school. But as time rolls on, some of Charlie’s personality traits change somewhat. He lost his only important persons, Michael and his aunt Helen, already in his early years. Michael committed suicide and aunt Helen had a car accident that she didn’t overcome.
First he sees his life through the eyes of a child.
That brings him a lot of problems and he also doesn’t know why he is different.
Charlie is very emotional and cries a lot.
He is developing a special relationship with his English teacher, Bill, who gives him interesting books to read. He is very interested in books. It seems to help him to think about the meaning of life and other things like that.
He can tell Bill his problems at any time. So that, they are finally getting real good friends.
One day he meets his new friends, called Sam and Patrick. From that moment onwards his life changes completely. He started to consume alcohol, drugs, had sex and went on parties.
He loves his friends very much and make them feel good and wants to be needed.
In this time he learned much about dates, sex, homosexuality, love, friendship and other things.
In the end of the novel he changed to another person.

Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2008

A pro / con essay : A BAN ON VIOLENCE IN MOVIES

Nowadays, violence is a big topic, reason for which I reflected on the pros and cons of a possible ban.

First of all, non-violent films are not only amusing but also successful.
Unfortunately, young people are often being influenced in a negative way by violent movies.
In the worst case, some people are invited to imitate a lot of things occurring in such films because otherwise they wouldn’t have thought of committing a crime.

In contrast, such a ban would also have disadvantages.

First, it is well known that horror films offer a welcome escape from everyday life. Some people who have a lot of stress appreciate that sort of thing.
Secondly, in most cases violence is being presented in a totally unrealistic way and can therefore not be copied.
The most important argument is that we certainly do not turn into a non-violent society just because violence is not allowed to be shown in movies.

Personally, I’m against an official ban of violence in movies because I enjoy the horror films. Although I have watched such films for years already I’m still a good girl and would never think of committing a crime myself.