Montag, 30. März 2009

correction of the second exam



Prejudice and discrimination are a part of our everyday life. Not only our society but also the individual is affected. There are many opinions to this topic. In the following I will discuss this by looking at society and the individual and also at the counter measures.

Some people are thinking that foreigner people are mostly criminals, drug dealer or take the locals job away. These are prejudices partly based on the fear of everything different and foreign. In my opinion prejudice will be also supported by the media. One example for this is the reporting of a crime – if a foreigner is committed a crime, this would be pointed out in the media. Prejudice influences not only the individual but the whole society by the fact that they avoid that people are not open for new impressions. Because of this we did not notice the human being itself but only the colour of the skin and the cultural background.
Thereby we missed the opportunity to get to know someone better or learn from this person.
It is also interesting that people with prejudice are in foreign countries during their holydays more open minded as at home. They accept the locals and their culture.

A big problem is also that prejudices and discrimination could easily lead to hatred and violence. This is a huge danger for the individual but also for the whole society. Innocent people could be hurt or even killed. Terrorism is the fiercest kind of violence caused by prejudice and discrimination. In the recent part we had hardly learned this by the terrorist action in New York at the 11th of September.

In our everyday life it is also easier to blame the foreigner people for missing jobs than to look at oneself.

So the question is how we could solve the problems with prejudice and discrimination.
From my point of view we have to got up to each other and we have to be more open minded for foreign cultures. One way to do this is to create cultural events as for example “Kulinarischer Frühling” at Hohenems. But also in the media are have to change something – the reporting must be more neutral and without blaming foreign people.
However the foreign people have to do something against the prejudice and discrimination. They need the will to become integrated into the local culture. For me the most important measure that the foreign people learn germen in order to communicate with the locals.

Finally we could only prevent prejudice and discrimination by being ready to compromise and create areas to get to know each other.

Freitag, 27. März 2009


Searching a job in times of economic crisis

In the last weeks everybody’s talking about economic crisis.
Short time work, dismissals or insolvency are the key words.
But for everyone who’s looking for a job – don’t worry, there is one.

Jobs are not available in the supermarket, you have to search for them.
This means, you have to be flexible in your whole behaviour.
Posting resume on internet, mass mailing of resume, head-hunters or networking are good ways to get a new job. The letter of application has own rules. The first impression is important.
The documents have to be well structured and meaningful.

During the interview you have to be self-confident, your cloths have to be clean and your behaviour has to be friendly. But be careful, don’t wear a mask or dress your up.
Very important is also competence – you have to know your strength and your weak points.
So be informed!
Don’t mix-up self-confidence and arrogance. The biggest mistake in an interview is to be aggressive. Also lying, showing off are negative attitudes.

Everyone who is looking for a job could find one in this difficult time, when he kept the rules. It’s also important not to be very demanding. A job with good opportunities is better than none.
So don’t worry, kept at it!

Sonntag, 1. Februar 2009

Brucknerstraße 5a

Mr. George Hemming
law office Hemming
13101 Washington Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90066
(310) 933 6270

Dear Mr. Hemming,

Application for the lawyer position

I am writing to apply for the lawyer position advertised in the Los Angeles Times. I read that you are looking for a qualified lawyer. I think I’m a eligible candidate
for this position. I have a good command of your language. Furthermore I’m good in dealing with people and I’m ready for all criminal cases. I made the general qualification for university entrance in Austria and after that I went to college in Boston. My affirmative premises for this position are :

I’m a alumnus of Harvard University. I’m well schooled in the area of criminal law and business law.
I’m always prepared to keep working hard and I’m a very truthful worker.
I worked for the Fish & Richardson and one year for Hart & Power in Dallas, USA.

I look forward to your reply and I can reached anytime via my cell phone, 77-765-7899.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Magdalena Brändle

Sonntag, 11. Januar 2009

Correction of the 1st exam
Task A: „pro and con essay“ about „The Struggle for Beauty“

Nowadays you must look beautiful, because you see the beauty ideals on television, in fashion magazines, on posters and in boutiques. We want to look like them and for that we do a lot: We tan our skin, lose weight, have cosmetic surgery on everything from toes to noses and they do all for looking more like emaciated cover girls.
Furthermore I explain in my "pro and con" essay the advantages and disadvantages about the problem " The Struggle for Beauty"

First, I explain the advantages of this struggle: If you had a terrible accident and your body is deformed, then plastic surgery can be a good opportunity to get your body back. Or it's also suitable if you want to change your body because you have a blemish. You can change your body in the way you like. For example if someone has a very big nose, they can have changed into a small beautiful nose. If you change this blemish, you support positive effects on your well-being and your self confidence. You can improve yourself.

But on the other hand there are disadvantages, as well. We live in a world that strives for perfection. Many people want to be perfect and for this dream they begin a struggle. It's not a problem if you change your body in a slight way. But you shouldn't exaggerate it.
But some woman just overdo it. Plastic surgery can lead to addiction. A plastic surgery is very painful and risky. It can be dangerous or harmful. Because sometimes an operation goes wrong and afterwards you look uglier than before. So you destroy your body.
But in our time you always see the beauty queens in the media and on the pictures and you would look like them.

To conclude, my opinion is that beauty comes from the inside. Nowadays beauty can be bought. What about the natural beauties?! Beauty concerned with the character and the emanation. I know from my own experience that people can look much uglier or nastier if they have a bad character. When you change your body, maybe you lose your personality, when you want a nose like DA Vinci's Mona Lisa or eyes like Julia Roberts. It's very important to be healthy. In my opinion health is beauty. That's also what I think: If you are fit and healthy, you appear beautiful and young. Also don't destroy your healthy and body.