Montag, 16. April 2007

Arrested boy released

London (mr). Yesterday the ten-years-old boy Oliver Twist, who was convicted of pick pocketing and stealing a man’s kerchief in front of a bookstore, was released and stays now at Mr Brownlow‘s house. The reason for this changing of the magistrate Mr Fang’s mind was the bookseller of the bookstore who was an eyewitness. He went to the magistrate and told that two other boys tried to steal the kerchief. “I just saw how the two other boys threw the kerchief to Oliver Twist. I felt sorry for him and so I tried to tell the truth,” the bookseller said.Some hours before three boys went nearby the bookstore and noticed Mr Brownlow in front of the store who was interested in a book. Two of those boys crept to the man and stole the kerchief in his pocket. The bookseller who noticed it raised the alarm while the two unknown boys ran towards Oliver Twist and gave him their booty. So Oliver was charged, chased and finally taken to a magistrate where the boy collapsed because of thirst. The magistrate, however, didn’t believe that the boy was ill and convicted Oliver until the bookseller told the magistrate what really had happened. After this the boy was released and taken to Mr Brownlow’s house who took the boy to his heart.“I really knew all the time that this boy wasn’t a thief. When I looked into his face I saw that this face wouldn’t lie and so I decided to give him a new home. Now he is still ill, but he already feels better and he’s got medical care and an own room in my house,” Mr Brownlow, who saved the boy’s life told.The bookseller who exonerated Oliver Twist also said, “I feel very sorry for the boy because he really wasn’t guilty. When the two other boys gave Oliver the kerchief he was so perplexed that he didn’t know what to do when he was persecuted and I can understand that he ran away.”So far the police are still searching for the real thieves, but there’s doubt that they get caught because there are so many thieves in London and there is no good personal prescription of the two other boys, but maybe Oliver Twist can help the police to catch the thieves.words:391

2 Kommentare:

Guenter hat gesagt…

sp: the ten-year-old boy --> the boy is ten years old
sp: pickpocketing
wo: he now stays ... (for always) / he is now staying ... (--> for a limited period of time)
exp: the change of mind
str: he told the magistrate / him that .... tell + object
str: to tell you the truth
exp: nearby = in der Nähe --> they went near the store
exp: they sneaked up to the man (creep = kriechen wie eine Schlange)
exp: they stole it out of his pocket
C?: he was about to convict the boy when ....

Guenter hat gesagt…

str/C?: He convicted the boy ... until ... Er hat ihn (so lange) verurteilt, bis .... [Er würde ständig "Ich verurteile dich" sagen.]
str: pronoun + own: his own room <--> a room of his own
str: tell + object --> he told [who?]
voc: perplex --> bewildered, confused
voc: verfolgt --> "chased" in this case
t: that they will get caught ....

The report is quite well done although there are no paragraphs here. Your English is not always quite idiomatic enough.